"Angel" by Narshada is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0
Be an Angel!
Be an angel and give to Fairfax COMMUNITY Church, home of the Fairfax Food Pantry. We are the glue for many community events, activities, fundraisers for local causes and now it is our turn to ask so we can keep the place going.
Every dollar is appreciated: Please consider donating to our ongoing mission and support for Arts & Tales, Marin Organizing Committee working for social justice, and the Fairfax Food Pantry.
Click below to make your donation or send a check to 2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Fairfax, CA 94930. — at Fairfax COMMUNITY Church, California. Your contribution will make such a difference. Thank you!
Volunteer at Sunday Service! Visit and Bookmark our Sign-Up Sheet.
Saturday Food Pantry: 9:00 to 11:00
Service to the Community
On May 15, 2018, the Fairfax Food Pantry celebrated SEVEN years of service to the community, handing out an estimated 1,749,478 pounds of food over those years. Another measure of our service is that over those 7 years, guests have received groceries about 98,000 times!
Did you know that every week in partnership with the Marin/SF Food Bank and Fairfax Volunteers we serve 280-300 people? Did you know that we deliver 10-20 food boxes every Saturday to those who are homebound?
These are concrete things we can talk about and quantify. What is a little harder to quantify is God's transformative work in our own lives as we serve others together. These transformations have been plentiful, powerful, and inspiring.
Thanks for volunteering; without you we could not have served so many people over the years.