Artful Worship, Joyful Service
Sunday Celebration: Weekly at 10:30 am
Shining the Light of Hope, Courage and Compassion
February 2025
Imbolc is the Celtic festival in early February that honors how the light begins to linger a little longer on the horizon each day. It starts to emerge just after the winter solstice, but we don’t usually notice it until this time in early February.
With this lingering of the light, we can also notice a ‘quickening’ within us, a bit more energy that emerges from deep within us that inspires us to reach for the goals we have set for the year. This ‘quickening’ is in sync with Mother Earth, whose sap is just beginning to rise out of her winter slumber.
As we partner with this rising energy of Gaia, we can ask ourselves, “How do I want to shine my light in the world in this time? How can I combine my light with the light of others to make a difference?”
Shining the light of hope, courage and compassion is our theme for the first three weeks of February. It will start with our annual Imbolc Ritual, honoring the goddess/saint Brigid. It promises to be an exciting and empowering ritual this year. Melusina Gomez and Karen Bandy will join me in leadership. We will have the opportunity to place our fears in an alcohol fire and be blessed by the waters of Brigid’s well while we renew our commitment to courage & compassion in 2025. We will be soothed by the sacred sounds of harpist Christine Tulis.
After the ritual we will assemble hygiene kits for refugees in the Bay Area. The kits are organized by Church World Service, an organization that helps provide housing and other necessities to refugees in the U.S. We are asking folks to bring three or more items on the list below to be assembled into zip lock bags after the service. (See list of items below). The ritual is on February 2 from 10:30 - 12:00 and all are welcome. We would love to have you join us as we bring our hearts and minds together to share our collective love light with the world.
Then on Feb 9 & 16 we will have a two part series in honor of Black History Month, sharing stories of ordinary people (many of them women who did not become famous) that made a difference during the civil rights movement by sharing small acts of love and a commitment to social justice. This series will be interwoven with a connection to the Black Madonna, honoring how we can turn to her for support as we seek to live our lives with courage and compassion. (See below for more details).
We would love to see you on any or all of these Sundays!
If you would like to talk more or have any questions about our series or the church, feel free to email me at
Blessed Be
Pastor Kimberly
February 2: Imbolc Ritual, Honoring Brigid, Stoking the Fires of Courage and Compassion
February 9: The Black Madonna: Love, Light & Action
Sharing stories of ordinary people (many of them women who did not become famous) that made a difference during the civil rights movement by doing small acts of love with a commitment to social justice. This will be interwoven with a connection to the Black Madonna, honoring how we can turn to her for support as we seek to make a difference in the world through compassionate action.
February 16: Birthing a New Tomorrow
How do we stay in tune with Spirit so that we can see the signs of new life that are emerging around us, even in the midst of chaos or uncertainty? And as we notice those signs of life, how might we help midwife them into the birth of something new? We will again look at stories of those who shaped the civil rights movement.
February 23: Sacred Arts Circle with Rev. Kacey Carmichael
Spiritual Oasis
A time of spiritual replenishment led by Rev. Kimberly. Once a month on Thursdays at 1:00 pm, The Spiritual Oasis is an informal Zoom gathering that includes check-in, prayer time, our reflections on scripture or poetry readings, and the practice of Examen.Contact Pastor Kimberly at for zoom link & dates
Embodied Spirituality Circle
Authentic Movement, Drawing, Writing/Poetry ~ Mondays 4-6 pm in the beautiful FCC sanctuary
Contact Rev. Kacey for more info and to get on Waiting List for next series. or 707-495-4627