Artful Worship, Joyful Service

Sunday Celebration: Weekly at 10:30 am

Gifts & Gratitude: Sharing the Light of Love with the World

December is a time of gift giving. We often spend a lot of time choosing just the right present for someone, and that is a tradition that can bring us great joy. But what about the other kinds of gifts we have to share? Do we spend as much time reflecting on the unique talents God has given us that can be a blessing to others?

It can be easy to downplay our own gifts or to think that one person can’t make a difference in the world. How can one person influence the most pressing challenges of society around us? And yet, history is full of stories of people making a profound difference when gifts are shared and multiplied in community. We can easily forget that we do not have to go it alone, but in community, we can achieve great things. 

In the season of Advent and Christmas, we will reflect on the stories of people who said yes to their gifts and acted with courage to share the light of God’s love with the world. People like Mary, Joseph and Elizabeth who may seem extraordinary to us now, but who were simple folk honoring the gifts God had given them. For the next few weeks, we will enter into these stories again using the spiritual practice known as ‘active imagination’, where we imagine ourselves as characters in the story and receive guidance and wisdom for our day-to-day lives. 

As we tune in to what gave these characters the courage they needed in their time, we can also rise above the chaos of the level of consciousness of society and find the empowerment we need to shine our light in community to make the world a better place. 

Join us . . . we would love to have you with us on this journey. A description of the theme for each Sunday plus information about our special Christmas Eve services is included below. 

In the light of love and hope,
Pastor Kimberly

December 1  All Good Gifts
Rev. Scott Quinn from the Marin Interfaith Council will lead us in Lectio DIvina as we light the first Advent candle of peace and reflect on a sacred text that reminds us that each person has a special, God given role to play in the sacred community known as the Body of Christ. 

December 8 Mother Mary’s Courage
By using the spiritual practice of active imagination, we will enter into the story of the Angel Gabriel visiting Mother Mary. As we step into the story, we can also reflect on the ways the Spirit of God gives us the courage to say yes to the gifts we are being called to share with the world. On this Sunday we will light the second Advent candle of Hope. 

December 15 Sacred Partnership
We will once again use the practice of active imagination to enter into the story of Mary visiting Elizabeth after she hears the news that Elizabeth has also conceived in a miraculous way. What does this story teach us about sharing our gifts in partnership with each other, remembering that with God, what may first seem like an impossibility can indeed be realized?  We will light the third Advent candle of Joy. 

December 22  Contemplative Arts Service
Science and Spirituality come together as we experience the 14-billion-year journey of the Universe. Cosmic story of ourselves as the breathtaking brilliant evolving Universe written by Brian Swimme and Kacey Carmichael, accompanied by live music, in a spiral of beeswax candles. Opportunity to dance, move, or deepen in stillness through this ritual facilitated by interfaith minister and expressive arts guide, Rev. Kacey Carmichael. 

December 24  4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service for Children & Families
All are welcome to join this fun & festive celebration that includes a Christmas Pageant where those who want to participate in the play can dress up in costume and be part of the tableau while the Christmas Story is read. No rehearsal or costume necessary, just show up with an open heart. 

December 24: 7:00 p.m. Candlelight Christmas Eve service
This is a contemplative service of singing and storytelling where we can experience a moment of deep peace and remember that the light of Christ came to shine in the darkness and that light still shines in us today. 

December 29  The Gifts of the Animals

Spiritual Oasis
Fairfax Community Church is now live streaming a mid-week “Spiritual Oasis” group. The Spiritual Oasis group will meet online, weekly at 1:30 pm on Thursdays. All are welcome to participate! Please email for the zoom link.

Spirit Moves! 
Join us for this nourishing time of Contemplative/Awakening Arts that connect us deeply with ourselves, Spirit, & each other. Access the joy and creativity found in spontaneous movement, drawing, journaling/poetry & community in our Embodied Spirituality circle.  By donation. Contact Kacey Carmichael for dates & information. For more information email:

Visionary Artist: Minouche Graglia  →